Nun נ for Niddah (נִדָּה)
Niddah is the ritual state of woman’s impurity when she is pregnant or menstruating. Orthodox Jews avoid contact with such a woman during this time. After menstruation or the end of pregnancy, the woman must undergo a ritual bath in a mikveh – a large basin with flowing water used for washing people and dishes or utensils. The water must come from a spring, river, or rain. After the bath, the woman is purified.
- In your environment, is menstruation talked about openly, or is the topic avoided?
- What do you see in sanitary pads advertisements? Do they show the true experience of having a period?
- How often do you see movie or TV show characters having their periods? Exactly, and yet every woman has it once a month!
Menstruation is a taboo subject in almost every culture. People don’t talk about it because they are simply embarrassed.
- Do you think we should avoid embarrassing topics?
The Hebrew letter נן (Nun) corresponds to the number 50.
Symbolic meaning: seed, fish, activity.
Samekh ס for Sukkah or Booth (סוכה) The Festival of Sukkot!
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