He ה for Hamantaschen, (המן־טאַשן) – Yiddish. Hamantaschen are filled cookies shaped like triangles. Their history refers to the name of Haman, the vizier at the court of King Ahasuerus of Persia. Haman, in the name of personal revenge, wanted to murder all the Jews in the kingdom. His plans were spoiled by the king's wife, Esther, who was Jewish. The cookies were also called “Haman's ears” referring to medieval humiliating punishments inflicted on convicted criminals. The cookies are baked during the joyful holiday of Purim. There are many kinds of Hamantaschen, differing in both filling and dough.
Recipe for Hamantaschen with poppy seed filling.
100 grams sugar
180 grams butter
2 eggs
300 grams flower
1 fl oz water
120 grams poppy seeds
3 1/2 fl oz milk
60 grams sugar
almond extract
1. First, the poppy seeds!
At the very beginning we need to prepare the poppy seeds. Ideally in the evening, the day before baking the cookies. Pour the poppy seeds into a pot, add milk, and bring to a boil. Then set aside for about 10 hours.
2. The next day, the dough for the cookies!
Mix the butter with the sugar until smooth. You can do this with a fork or a mixer.
Now add one egg and continue mixing.
Add the flour, then the water, and knead the dough. When the ingredients are nicely combined, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Grinding the poppy seeds!
Now we’ll make the poppy seed filling. Pour the poppy seeds into a strainer and press to drain the water. Then, put them into a bowl, add sugar and almond extract. Blend them into a smooth paste. Add an egg and blend again.
Shaping the ears!
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350ºF).
Take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out. The dough should be about 3 millimeters thick.
- Now take a glass and cut out circles.
- Place about half a teaspoon of poppy seed filling in the center of each circle
- Grab the edges of the dough and fold them inward to form triangles.
The Hebrew letter ה – (He) corresponds to the number 5.
Symbolic meaning: window, infinity.
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