Tefilin, czyli z hebrajskiego przedmioty modlitewne, to dwa czarne skórzane pudełeczka wykonane z jednego kawałka skóry koszernego zwierzęcia. Tefilin. Tefilin. Tefilin. Tefilin. Tefilin. Tefilin.
Tav ת for Tefillin (תפילין) Symbolism:
Tefillin, which translates from Hebrew as prayer items, are two black leather boxes made from a single piece of kosher animal skin. Inside each box are four passages from the Torah, handwritten in Hebrew by a sofer – a scribe. Men wear tefillin during weekday morning prayers. The obligation to wear them begins at the age of thirteen, although they are often worn earlier for practice.
The Hebrew letter ת (Tav) corresponds to the number 400.
Symbolic meaning: sign, symbol.
ר – Resz
Jakie Żydzi składają sobie życzenia na nowy rok? Dowiedz się więcej o żydowskim Święcie Nowego Roku, czyli Rosz ha-Szana!
Resh ר for Rosh Hashanah (ראש השנה), the New Year Festival What kind of New Year wishes do Jews exchange? Symbolism:
The word “Resh” means head, which refers to the head as the beginning of the year or the beginning of everything. It is the New Year’s celebration, during which the creation of the world is commemorated and God's judgment is remembered. It is a time for reflection and contemplation on one's behavior over the past year. In Poland, it is also called the Feast of Trumpets because the sound of the shofar trumpet is supposed to be heard on the day of judgment.During the festival, dishes with symbolic meanings are eaten:
During Rosh Hashanah, Jews wish each other “May you be inscribed and sealed (in the Book of Life) for a good year.” The response is: “The same to you.”
The Hebrew letter ר (Resh) corresponds to the number 200.
Symbolic meaning: head, person, the first.
ק – Kof
Uważa się, że gdy wchodzi się z nią w kontakt, przyjmuje się sekretną i ukrytą wiedzę. Kabaliści uczą, że człowiek jest w stanie poznać świat, jego strukturę i samego Stwórcę dzięki ekspansji własnej świadomości.
Kuf ק for Kabbalah (קבלה) Symbolism:
The word Kabbalah means to receive, to get, that is, to acquire mystical knowledge. Kabbalah is the mystical school of Judaism. It is believed that when one comes into contact with it, they receive secret and hidden knowledge. Kabbalists teach that a person is capable of understanding the world, its structure, and the Creator Himself through the expansion of their own consciousness. Kabbalists believe that the first person to receive this knowledge was Adam. He touched upon secret knowledge by eating the apple from the tree of life because his consciousness was expanded.
The Hebrew letter ק (Kuf) corresponds to the number 100.
Symbolic meaning: sun on the horizon, to be behind someone or something.
פ – Pe
Święto Purim upamiętnia biblijną historię królowej Estery, która ocaliła lud żydowski od zagłady. Pokrzyżowała plany Hamana – dostojnika dworskiego, który po rzuceniu losów (purim) wieszczących wydarzenia w kraju, namówił króla, by rozpoczął prześladowania Żydów.
Pe פ for Purim, The Festival of Lots (פורים) This holiday commemorates the biblical story described in the Book of Esther, in which Queen Esther saved the Jewish people from extermination. She spoiled the plans of Haman – a court official who, after casting lots (purim) that foretold events in the country, persuaded the king to start persecuting the Jews. How Jews celebrate Purim: Symbolism:
The word “Purim” comes from the word “pur” – a lot, in the sense of a lottery ticket, a winning ticket. Purim is the most joyous Jewish holiday.
A constant custom associated with this holiday is giving alms to the poor and gifting small presents to friends and neighbors, usually candy, fruits, or wine. Gifts or alms should be twice as big as usual. After the service, parties and gatherings begin, during which festive dishes are consumed, and people dress up in various costumes, such as those from comics, movies, or the Bible.
The most popular are, of course, Hamantaschen, but special Purim challah, kreplach - which are Jewish dumplings filled with meat - and various bean dishes, such as bean soup, are also eaten. They remind us that Esther would not eat anything at King Ahasuerus’s court that was not kosher, so she mainly ate peas and beans.In addition to all the festive dishes and treats, alcohol is also served. Tradition almost commands abundant celebration: one should get so drunk that they cannot distinguish the name of the great enemy of the Jews, Haman, from the name of the savior, Mordecai.
The Hebrew letter פ (Pe) corresponds to the number 80.
Symbolic meaning: mouth, word, to speak.
ע – Ajin
Czy wierzysz w talizmany? Przeczytaj o Ajn Hara czyli Złym oku! Czy wierzysz w talizmany? Przeczytaj o Ajn Hara czyli Złym oku!Czy wierzysz w talizmany? Przeczytaj o Ajn Hara czyli Złym oku!
Ayin ע jak Ayin Hara, Evil Eye (עין הרע) To ward off the evil charm, a red string is tied around the wrist (in many cultures) – it's like a talisman. If you travel to Jerusalem, you will surely meet someone who will want to tie such a string on your wrist. Symbolism:
The belief in the power of the evil eye is held by people from various cultures, from Europe to America.
In Judaism, the Evil Eye is a human gaze believed to be harmful to someone or something. It can bring suffering and misfortune, such as poverty, illness, or even death. According to Kabbalah, no negative influences should be underestimated.
The Hebrew letter ע (Ayin) corresponds to the number 60
Symbolic meaning: pillar, support, trust.
נ – Nun
Menstruation is a taboo subject in almost every culture. People don’t talk about it because they are simply embarrassed. Ludzie o niej nie rozmawiają, bo po prostu się wstydzą.
Nun נ for Niddah (נִדָּה) Menstruation is a taboo subject in almost every culture. People don’t talk about it because they are simply embarrassed. Symbolism:
Niddah is the ritual state of woman’s impurity when she is pregnant or menstruating. Orthodox Jews avoid contact with such a woman during this time. After menstruation or the end of pregnancy, the woman must undergo a ritual bath in a mikveh – a large basin with flowing water used for washing people and dishes or utensils. The water must come from a spring, river, or rain. After the bath, the woman is purified.
The Hebrew letter נן (Nun) corresponds to the number 50.
Symbolic meaning: seed, fish, activity.
Samekh ס for Sukkah or Booth (סוכה) The Festival of Sukkot!